Quoting, again... [was: Re: Windows, Linux, The Debate: which is best?]

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 06:45:21 UTC 2006

Janne Jokitalo wrote:

>Sasha Tsykin wrote:
><a lot of unnecessary garbage snipped off>
>>I'm not saying windows is without problems, just that it serves a
>>purpose, and well.
>Sasha, please, for a one-liner which I couldn't see right off on my
>1400x1050 screen with default upper and lower task bars and Thunderbird with
>folder view on my left and message list up showing only 8 message headers at
>the time, you left an awful lot of quotes which was really just unnecessary
>considering what you had to say. For a phrase like that, quotes are not very
>It's beginning to seem like beating a dead horse all over and over, but here
>goes.... Please, people, quote liberally. It's wearing to scroll the screen
>down where leaving the Yahoo! Mail advert out of the quotes could have saved
>me from doing that.
>Thanks, nothing to say to contribute to this thread. Carry on.
sorry about that, will be more careful in future. That one liner was
more of a conclusion, I actually made some other comments before. Will
try to quote less in future.


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