Set up PPPoE

Billy Verreynne (JW) VerreyB at
Thu Jan 19 06:09:57 UTC 2006

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

>> I would like to know if someone can techme or tell me how to set up
>> pppoe connection from the command line.
>try : "sudo pppoeconf"
> That worked a treat under Warty. I have not had to use it on later
> Ubuntu releases, but it's probably still available...

Still works, but really lacks IMO to provide the required flexibility.
E.g. cannot handle multiple ADSL service providers/network
configuration, does not support supplying passwords at runtime (we use
RSA encryption seeds that change every 60 seconds as part of the
password), etc.

What it does do is create templates to hack. Look at file
/etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider - this is the default that the config
creates. I used that as the base copy for configuring multiple
provider config files.

A funny - the username is specified in there -and- in the secrets
files (/etc/ppp/chap-secrets and /etc/ppp/pap-secrets). If the
username differs it uses the one in the /etc/ppp/peers/nnn config file
and not the one specified in the secrets file.

All these need to be run as sudo, so simply do a 'sudo bash' to become
root and then run the following commands.

To bring up the connection use
$ pon <provider>

Where provider is the applicable conf file in /etc/ppp/peers.

To shutdown use
# poff -a

This will terminate all pppoe connections.

I prefer tailing /var/log/messages over plog, e.g.
# tail -f /var/log/messages

This will show you all pppoe stuff and list any problems - like failed
auth. Note that there could be MTU set errors. It is safe to ignore
them (at least the connections work despite these in my case).

After pon, you can do an ifconfig to check the ppp device settings
(IP, netmask, etc).


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