Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 04:34:03 UTC 2006

Richard Colbert Jr wrote:

>Where in the heck did you get the idea that Windows was free with most
>computers? Windows is not free, it has never been free and it will never be
>free. It may be INCLUDED with most computers, but I promise you pay for it.
>The average price of a computer running WindowsXP Home is $89 higher than
>the same exact computer running any flavor of *nix. The average price of a
>computer running WindowsXP Professional is $179 higher than the same exact
>computer running any flavor of *nix. Now how is that freaking free?
>Richard Colbert
>"Recent Ubuntu Convert"
It's true that windows is not free, but spyware is free, and we all 
criticise that (I assume). That point still stands.

In truth, anything can be criticised, as long as the criticism is 
constructive. To say that something is free so jsut shut up and accept 
it, even if it has problems is truly idiotic.


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