Windows, Linux, The Debate: which is best?

Serg Belokamen serg.belokamen at
Thu Jan 19 04:19:16 UTC 2006

Howdy all,

---------- TO ORIGINAL THREAD AUTHOR ----------

This thread is useless. It is unproductive and will not achive anything.

Infact by reading it, it made me DUMER! Thanks!

Linux has a purpose and scanarios where it fits in best.
Windows has a purpose and scanarios where it fits best.
Fuck even Mac has a purpose and scanarios where it fits best.

Either be specific with a scanario that you are interested in or dont
ask such dumbass questions.  People like you generate SPAM and waste
bandwidth of the entire continet, not to mention my disk space - you
deserve to be kicked in the nuts! Twice! By a horse!

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