Well, Windows is back on the disk.

albi albi at scii.nl
Thu Jan 19 01:19:30 UTC 2006

Richard Colbert Jr wrote:

> Where in the heck did you get the idea that Windows was free with most
> computers? Windows is not free, it has never been free and it will never be
> free. It may be INCLUDED with most computers, but I promise you pay for it.
> The average price of a computer running WindowsXP Home is $89 higher than
> the same exact computer running any flavor of *nix. The average price of a
> computer running WindowsXP Professional is $179 higher than the same exact
> computer running any flavor of *nix. Now how is that freaking free?

agreed, (more people should be aware of the MicroSoft-Tax..)

however, "any flavor of *nix" should be "any flavor of open source
unix-alikes" (there is still "commercial *nix" around not costing $0)

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump http://scii.nl/~albi/gpg.asc | gpg --import

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