The find tool is failing for a missing fs driver

J.Markoll j.markoll at
Wed Jan 18 18:40:41 UTC 2006

Derek Broughton a écrit :
> Phillip Susi wrote:
>>Either ignore the message or don't let find search in /proc.  Files in
>>/proc are not "normal" so find is complaining about it.
> It's kind of hard to not "let find search in /proc".  I get the message
> every morning from chkrootkit.  It's hardly _my_ choice to let find do what
> it's supposed to be capable of doing.
> It's a bug (introduced around 2.6.8, iirc) in the kernel module for the proc
> filesystem.  It doesn't seem to be a real problem, but upgrading your
> kernel won't fix it yet.
I also noticed this message didn't appear some time before.
Thanks, and best greetings.
Joyce Markoll.

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