Some surprise while "dd-ing" a video DVD...

J.Markoll j.markoll at
Wed Jan 18 15:45:27 UTC 2006

Andrea Giuliano a écrit :
> J.Markoll wrote:
>>> What did "mplayer" do that allowed "dd" to work?
> I used to think so. Usually, you can simply mount a video DVD as an 
> ISO9660 filesystem. Then you can crawl in it anyway you want. I've 
> always thought that VOB files are encrypted, but not the ISO image. In 
> the latter case, it would be impossible to mount the DVD, I guess.
> Anyway, thanks for your reply.
But forget about mplayer, about the garlic, and rather keep the eyes 
upon Dan's answer. :)
Plus see the brand of DVD's (made).
Otherwise, see diverse softwares to do all kinds of things with DVD's.
I don't burn DVD's myself. Plus I'm also going to lower burning CD's,
as it's increasing the amount of waste.

 >> Acidrip:

Excellent pour ripper les DVD, frontend graphique pour mencoder. Mieux vaut
avoir lu "man mencoder" avant, toutefois... (bizarrement, ma petite formule
utilise elle aussi mencoder  ;-)

 >> Complément pour copier des DVD sous Linux:

If you wish to see further, you could browse the applications database.
Greetings, Joyce Markoll.

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