Accessing NTFS partitions

MrKnisely mrknisely at
Wed Jan 18 04:33:01 UTC 2006

paul marwick wrote:

>In article <200601172155.54436.ronnylist at>,
>Ronny Haryanto <ronnylist at> wrote:
>>Paul, you might be interested in these:
>Thanks Ronny. I don't normally have any real need of read/write access,
>though I have a couple of times in the past when trying to rescue
>suicided W2K/XP partitions. Hadn't seen the second reference before -
>interesting. But I'm not sure I'd trust W2K to access my Linux
>partitions :)
I mount my Linux partitions in Windows all the time (well, when I boot 
Windows) and have had no issues with it. 

Mike K.

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