Windows, Linux, The Debate: which is best?

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at
Tue Jan 17 13:55:58 UTC 2006

Duncan Anderson wrote:

> Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>> I'd like to quote a post from 2004 by Kelsey Bjarnason on alt.os.linux.
>> When someone said Linux was always in the future:
>> <snip>
> (A very amusing and pertinent quote followed.)
>> -----------------
>> End quote
>> But I guess that's just one man's opinion, right?
>> Cybe R. Wizard
> I should like to add my 2c worth:
> 1. GNU/Linux software is more often than not developed for the love of 
> the technology, as opposed to other software where monetary gain is 
> the motivating factor.
> 2. Windows is an overpriced form of neo-colonialist spyware which 
> consists of badly designed software overlaid with more badly designed 
> software overlaid with more badly designed software overlaid with ...

Do you even know what neo-colonialist means? I admit, that is the 
context, I have no idea what you are talking about and must assume you 
have launched into a rant. How is windows spyware? As for the badly 
designed software, that is in my opinion wrong, but definitely up for 
debate and not a foregone conlusion.

> 3. Compare the number of hits you get if you do a google search using 
> the following arguments:
>   a. +linux +security +problems -windows -microsoft
>   b. +windows +microsoft +security +problems -linux
> This may not prove anything, but it is surely evocative.

You're right. It proves nothing. Quality, not quantity. If one bug is a 
showstopper, it is worse that a hundred (or ten thousand) which aren't.

> 4. The only time a GNU/Linux system needs a virus scanner is when it 
> is being used as a mail or proxy server for a Windows network.
> cheers
> Duncan
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