Windows, Linux, The Debate: which is best?

Billy Verreynne (JW) VerreyB at
Tue Jan 17 07:08:05 UTC 2006

Cybe R. Wizard wrote:

> I'd like to quote a post from 2004 by Kelsey Bjarnason on
> When someone said Linux was always in the future:

So what? Since when does 'the truth' make a difference in world of
sellers and buyers? Seriously.

You cannot attack the Windows Desktop Market with a "my o/s is better
than yours". Marketing 101.

End-users does not give a damn about the so-called technical
superiority of Linux over Windows (which is arguable anyway). They are
driven by different needs and requirements.

For Linux to make in-roads into the home user desktop market requires
not technical superiority, but some common marketing savvy. Or even
better, a grokking the basic principles of warfare as per von
Clausewitz. Never attack a bigger enemy in entrenched positions with a
frontal attack. Outflank them. Wage guerilla warfare against them.

But proclaiming that your shiny gun is technically superior than that
of the enemy when outgunned a million to one is just plain stupid.
Battles and wars are not won that way. Nor marketing share.


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