Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Lionel lionelv at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 05:10:02 UTC 2006

Michael Richter wrote:
> And yet, using Windows XP the past (about) three years on this laptop,
> I've never had problems with any of that.  My firewall is external
> (because I don't trust self-hosted firewalling at all, MS or no).  I
> don't share my Windows disks.  And I've never needed to do anything
> with keycodes.

And yet, using a few Linux distros the past (about) 4 years on several 
different pieces of hardware I have never had a problem with a sound 
card, or two, or an on-board and pci card. I share my linux disks, I 
share my home directory, I don't use my xp partition.


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