Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 04:58:37 UTC 2006

Peter Garrett wrote:

>On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:40:50 +0800
>"Michael T. Richter" <ttmrichter at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Basically, Sasha, you're dealing with fanaticism and you can't win
>>against fanatics in a reasoned debate.  Don't bother trying.  Fanatics
>>do, however, make wonderful exercises for killfile filters.
>I've followed this thread with a mixture of besument and amusement.
>I haven't really seen anything that looks to me like fanaticism in the
>responses to your complaints - I would characterise them as irritation, I
>I could quote some of the *cough* colourful phrases you have indulged in,
>but it would be a waste of bandwidth.
>Of course it is possible that I've misinterpreted your apparently
>combative attitude, and that you really are all sweetness and light ;-) 
>I'm not sure if it has occurred to you that your attitude comes across as
>implacacbly negative most of the time. I won't be sending you to the
>killfile -thanks for the general invitation to do so anyway - because as I
>said, the thread has been quite amusing in some respects.
>As you see from my .sig,  ;-)  I recognise that Unix/Linux is not for the
>faint of heart, and sympathise with your sound troubles. We all have a
>choice as to what operating systems we use, and evidently you are
>persevering with Ubuntu, for the moment at least. That's nice - I  hope
>you continue to enjoy it, as you so evidently enjoy contributing to this
>You seem to have high expectations, which is admirable. I hope your rather
>specific problems have resulted in useful bug reports, so that the
>"fanatics"in Ubuntu who produce the OS for you can pursue their fanaticism,
>and fix your particular problem with the software.
>As for your other problem, I fear this isn't the right list for assistance.
>Sincerely, with a smile,
> -- Unix is hard to learn. The process of learning it is one of
>multiple small epiphanies. -- Neal Stephenson
lol. Brilliant. I think we should end this particular topic on that, 
just so that we can say that Ubuntu people yell at each other but still 
maintain a sense of humour.


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