Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Charles E "RIck" Taylor IV rick at rickandpatty.com
Tue Jan 17 02:20:16 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 11:32 +1100, Sasha Tsykin wrote:
> How many times have you heard of windows not working?

Is that a trick question? :)

>  I agree that 
> Ubuntu is not a finished product yet. While I have been distributing it 
> to all the various computer-illiterate members of my family, that is 
> only for e-mail and internet. I wouldn't want them to be using it for 
> anything more complicated because they don't know how to fix it if 
> something goes wrond and I can't be bothered to do it fr them.

For computer-illiterate folks, Windows XP really isn't much better.
They don't know how to fix it, and you'll still have to fix it for them.
Though they will be a lot more vulnerable to spyware and viruses with a
Windows XP box.  [Insert story here about co-worker who plugged up his
new cable modem and was hit bad enough within about half an hour of
being online that he ended up reinstalling his Windows machine.]

I'm not saying that Ubuntu has no problems - it does.  Windows just has
*different* problems.  (I've had trouble with printing under XP and
Ubuntu, actually.  The difference is that the Ubuntu problem was fixable
- and is gone.  The XP problem is intermittent and I'll be d*mned if I
can figure it out.)

> That does 
> not mean it is better in every respect. In the area of ease-of-use and 
> ease-of-setup, Ubuntu, and every other linux, is miles behing Windows. 

Ease of *setup*?  Windows comes *pre-installed* on many machines.  The
hell of setting up Windows XP has been gone through by the
manufacturer. :)

This is why most folks use Windows.  It's what was on the box when they
bought it - they didn't seek it out.

> Please don't get emotional about this, because windows xp does do some 
> thing better, fact.

Right.  And my HP 200LX (running DOS, of all things) does some things
better than either my Windows XP desktop at work or my Linux laptop.  

> That means compare modern linuxes to windows 
> xp, because, hears some news for you, very few people actually stil use 
> 98.

You would be surprised at the number of people out there still using
98/Me.  But that's beside the point.

*  Charles E. "Rick" Taylor, IV <rick at rickandpatty.com>
*  Web: http://www.rickandpatty.com
* Blog: http://shrimpandgrits.rickandpatty.com

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