Windows and linux (Was: Well, Windows is back on the disk.)

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at
Tue Jan 17 00:40:08 UTC 2006

J.Markoll wrote:

> ulrich steffens a écrit :
>> Am Montag, den 16.01.2006, 19:44 +0800 schrieb Michael Richter:
>>> Well, once I get my bearings -- if ever I do -- I will likely start
>>> writing software for it.  Now?  None, of course.  This is the part of
>>> the cycle called "evaluation".
>>>> If a company that develops a non free software crashes, and the format
>>>> of your documents is not known by open applications, your work is 
>>>> lost.
>>> And yet I can count the number of lost documents I've had since about
>>> 1985 on one hand.
>>>> Solution: install with  a dual boot, and
>>>> forget the hard life ?
>>> That is, in fact, the solution I adopted.
>> i still don't get the point in trying ubuntu (linux), which has it's
>> finding out it doesn't suit your needs
>> and then telling us that linux is not ready at all, because YOU had a
>> bad experience. did i miss something?
> Yes you missed a bunch.
>> i mean you only had a bad experience with ONE system, pretty lame then
>> to coming up with such prediction.
> I left above just what is truly important to keep, imho. For example:
>>> Am Montag, den 16.01.2006, 19:44 +0800 schrieb Michael Richter:
>>>> This is the part of the cycle called "evaluation".
>> and a counterexperience:
>> a friend of mine nagged me for weeks that he couldnt get sound working
>> on hin win98-machine. i ended up saying 'win sucks, try ubuntu'. he
>> installed 5.04, sound works.
> There are billions materials coming from hundred manufactories, and 
> the bug
> number one is this one (watch the screenshot, and click on it to
> read further):
>> ulrich
> Best greetings, Joyce Markoll.
Everybody who believes that linux is perfect should take a look at this 
site and come back to reality.

There's a reason guys ;)

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