Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 13:22:42 UTC 2006

Michael Richter wrote:

>On 16/01/06, Giorgos <pinkisntwell at gmail.com> wrote:
>>There are so many wrong things in windows that I can't even begin to
>>list. The fact that it supports your sound card setup tells me nothing.
>>Grow up already.
>I extend to you the same invitation I extended to the other kind
>gentleman in this very thread.  If you don't like the message, please
>feel free to add ttmrichter at gmail.com to your ignore list.  While
>you're at it, add mtr1966 at hotpop.com, mtr1966 at hotmail.com and
>ttmrichter at hotmail.com.  Your life will be uninterrupted by anybody
>pricking your fantasy that Linux is ready for the desktop.
>Grow up, already.
>Michael T. Richter
>ttmrichter at gmail.com
>Jabber: mtr1966 at jabber.cn
It's pathetic to jump on people for expressing their opinion. If the 
sound card doesn't work for them in linux, adn does in windows, then 
that is something linux has to improve upon. They are not juvenile to 
point out that there are some areas in which windows is in fact better 
than linux, particularly when it comes to polishing. I would suggest 
that it is juvenile not to report a problem as big as the one clearly 
being experienced here and it is even more juvenile, and pathetic, to 
try to stamp on debate this way. Grow up yourself. By the way, I would 
like to thank Michael Richter for raising this issue because the only 
way Ubuntu will improve is if the devs find out about this sort of 
thing, so really he is doing us all a favour.

Incidentally, you can add me to you ignore list as well. My addresses 
are stsykin at gmail.com, psychosushi at optusnet.com.au, stsykin at hotmail.com, 
and stsyk094 at scopus.vic.edu.au.

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