Well, Windows is back on the disk.

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Mon Jan 16 09:36:36 UTC 2006

Michael Richter a écrit :
Arlen wrote:

>>>I'll cheerfully learn.
>>>Where, exactly, is ALSA documented again?  And its interactions with
>>>OSS and the other misbegotten software turds that seem to float around
>>>the Linux multimedia bowl?
>>>Give me docs--complete and coherent ones--and I'll gladly learn.
>>If you've been reading the LKML, there certainly aren't many. If you ask
>>the LKML, I'm sure you'll get a response like, "the header files". It
>>works in practice. :)
> So much for Linux on the desktop.
> If I have to read kernel code to make something work we're talking
> about fifteen layers of information too far from the end-user
> experience.  Were all other OSes this way it would be bad enough, but
> in the arena Ubuntu wants to compete in sound cards Just Work<tm>. 
> Having Ubuntu require reading of kernel source to get half-there
> operation that Mysteriously Fails<tm> slightly less than the default
> scenario is not going to give anybody a good impression.

> Here's what you're competing against, for reference:
> - In Windows, since '98 [...]
> - In Windows, since '98 [...]
> - In Windows, you see the pattern, AC3-encoded (or DTS-encoded, etc.)[...]
> - In Windows,[...]"<name> codec" to find the software you
> need.
> - In Windows, when the desktop starts,[...]
> My Ubuntu experience in all but one case was radically different.

> - My sound cards were recognised by Ubuntu.  This put Ubuntu way ahead
> of any other distro I tried.  Kudos are well-deserved here.
> - Ubuntu, however, got confused by my system having two sound cards in
> it.  It would randomly switch between them when doing sound-based
> things.  Or some programs would ONLY go to the undesired sound card
> (because it was card 0) or simply fail to produce sound at all.  If I
> removed one sound card, however, and sadly the desired card, all such
> confusion vanished.
Someone gave the solution very recently for fixing the confusion among 
two cards.

> - Ubuntu does no intelligent chaining of codecs to downmix complicated
> formats to simpler setups.
> - Nastiest of all: GNOME just locked up tight when it tried to play
> the startup sound and couldn't.
You can use planty GUI's different from Gnome.

Now, let's see what is in this link. Too bad, is in french, but maybe
you do read french, or friends of yours do ?

This man used Linux all his life and he does not now Windows at all.
His wife always used Linux. He is the geek, and she is pretty good.
He decides to offer himself a Windows, because he heard so much about 
it. That's the moment the problems in the family are starting...

To say what's interesting to notice, when you buy a computer, almost
always Windows is in it. Then when you need more applications you pay 
lots of money for them. When you need help the hotline costs bags of 
money and they are not in a hurry to answer. Here in France a comic 
woman did a sketch 'allllooooo the hotliiiiine ???' -'Yes, stay tuned, 
we'll answer within the three next days!'

Can you share your windows and your applications with your friends ? no 
you can't, if you want to copy the OS to several machines of yours and 
don't have the right license, you can't, if you want to get rid or the 
firewell they installed to put an opensource firewall, you can't get rid 
of it unless you use a big iron bar to kick it out, do you know why ? 
because the software you paid for does not belong to you, but to the 
softwares company. And worse of all, after a few times re-installing, 
the keycode does not work anymore. 'allloooo the hotline ????'  :((

(How much did you offer for the development of Ubuntu btw ?)

If a company that develops a non free software crashes, and the format 
of your documents is not known by open applications, your work is lost.
And also, during the time I'm learning to look forward and see the 
moment I'll learn to compile a kernel, you'll know all the types of 
firewalls and anti-virii/anti-all_malwares, while I'm running 3 
different distributions to learn how to make them function, as well as a 
bunch of applications... now my harware does not fail anymore, it's more 

Diagnostic: Windows, virii, big firewalling, more apps that function, 
more video and music easyness. Solution: install with  a dual boot, and 
forget the hard life ?
Greetings, Joyce Markoll.

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