Vodafone 3G Datacard

Konstantin Klein kkl at worldwideklein.net
Sun Jan 15 12:31:07 UTC 2006

Sorry for some sort of cross-posting - I just found out that this message  
is better suited to be posted to the Kubuntu Users list.


Am 15.01.2006, 13:24 Uhr, schrieb Konstantin Klein  
<kkl at worldwideklein.net>:

> Hi all,
> this might be a first: somebody asking a clueless question because  
> something is working without problems.
> Here's the thing: I'm running Kubuntu Breezy with KDE 3.5 on my laptop.  
> To use my Vodafone 3G Datacard again (which I more or less had abandoned  
> after my switch from - shudder! - Windows because Vodafone claims that  
> the card doesn't work under any linux at all), I prepared to go through  
> countless HOWTOs, do endless scripting and configuring and the like.
> The story, however, is different. Kppp recognized the card, even read  
> the ID and the PIN (previously stored on the card's chip) and connected  
> without a glitch.
> My question: Does KDE now come with 3G/UMTS datacard support built in by  
> default? I haven't found anything on the KDE site about it, but I think  
> it's a great advantage for KDE/Kppp.
> Konstantin

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