Can't configure an Epson C80 printer!

J.Markoll j.markoll at
Sun Jan 15 10:21:25 UTC 2006

Rob Blomquist a écrit :
> On Saturday 14 January 2006 12:31 pm, J.Markoll so eloquently stated:
> Yep, it is a cute little interface, that exits during my attempt to configure 
> it. I have tried both gnome's and kde's applet. Gnome's doesn't crash, but I 
> still can't print. And I have looked around at the config files 
> in /etc/cups/.
The graphical configuring tool should not crash, that's a bug. You ought to
check at the Louchpad. (First time I hear about this feature, since 
March I'm on Ubuntu).

>>if yes, see in the Ubuntu website, starting from the site map, (small
>>caracters down the page) that's where I always start from, easier. On
>>this huge site somewhere is a printer's database. See there.
> Epson C80 better be supported by Ubuntu, as it was chosen from the Linux 
> Printer Database, as one that is readily configurable by linux and CUPS.
> I realize that I could download the most recent release of CUPS as a tarball, 
> then compile it and start from there, but I would rather not.
Not necessarily. It could maybe interfere with other packages because of 
version numbers (spool-I don't remember what and so on... )

> Rob
You may want to try to configure with

you will be asked for root so write 'root' then the passwd. One thing I 
don't know, if it requires real root or if the sudo passwd will 
function. You'll see.
Maybe check at the Louchpad first, about the graphical configuration 
tool. I configured my printer easily with it, and so did many users.
Greetings, Joyce Markoll.

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