clock synchronization with ntp server in Live CD

Bob Nielsen nielsen at
Sat Jan 14 20:31:33 UTC 2006

On Jan 14, 2006, at 8:23 AM, Derek Broughton wrote:

> Thilo Six wrote:
>> Iyer, Prasad C schrieb am 13.01.2006 08:19:
>>> Is there a way to avoid the clock synchronization at the boot  
>>> time in
>>> Live CD.
>>> The problem I don't have internet connection so it fails to  
>>> synchronize
>>> the clock with ntp server at startup. Is there some parameter  
>>> which I
>>> could set at boot time which would actually stop the process from
>>> running
>> To deactivate it completly:
>> sudo update-rc.d -f ntpdate remove
> Sure, and you could just remove /etc/init.d/ntpdate, but the next time
> ntpdate got updated through apt it would put it back, along with  
> all the
> init links.
> It's one of the problems I've noted with Debian distros and sysv  
> for years,
> and I still can't see a good way to fix it.  We need some way to be  
> able to
> override the init scripts that run at boot time that will survive  
> through
> updatess.

If you remove the symbolic link /etc/rc2.d/ntpdate, the other (rc3,  
rc4, etc.) links will remain and if ntpdate is updated the link will  
not be recreated.  However in the live CD case, this would require  
remastering and it would probably be just as easy to not include  
ntpdate.  At worst, the lack of an internet connection will only  
delay the boot process so it probably isn't worth the effort.  I  
tested a live CD on a system with an internet connection but no DHCP  
server and the delay wasn't objectional (I could set up a static IP  
connection after the system was running, but of course this was after  
ntpdate had timed out).

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