deletion of /dev files

Phillip Susi psusi at
Sat Jan 14 00:56:17 UTC 2006

What are the devices in question?  It should be assigned the same name 
each time, and what scripts are complaining?  It sounds like you have 
found a bug so some details about the exact problem would help pinpoint 

R Kimber wrote:

>I haven't unplugged any hardware.  
>The problem is with a USB Zip drive.  If I unmount the drive to change
>a disk, the device disappears.  I don't seem to be able to change disks
>without unmounting them. The eject button doesn't respond.
>The next time the drive is mounted it is given a different device and
>the script then gives an error to the effect that there is a conflict
>with fstab.

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