Broken dpkg dialogs

Bob Nielsen nielsen at
Thu Jan 12 18:26:28 UTC 2006

On Jan 11, 2006, at 7:54 PM, Chris Dean wrote:

>> I was also thinking it was an encoding issue.  Do you know how to
>> change the encoding to ISO-8859-1 ?  At least that's something I  
>> could
>> try.
> I did change the encoding to ISO-8859-1 using dpkg-reconfigure
> locales.
> That fixed it.  I can live with this solution, although it is
> surprising to me.

I had a similar problem with a Ubuntu box I had upgraded from warty  
to hoary to breezy, but it only appeared in a virtual console (the  
boxes were fine on an X terminal).  I don't remember all steps I  
took, but I finally got the frames around the dialog boxes to work  
with UTF–8 encoding, however the box around mc still ls broken.  On  
the other hand, if I ssh into that machine from my mac, the boxes  
look as they should with all applications (it is not necessary for me  
to run an X-term on the remote machine to get proper behavior).  I  
recall that warty used ISO-8859-1 and the change to UTF-8 occurred in  
breezy (or possibly hoary).

I have a second box which was a completely new breezy installation  
and that works perfectly with UTF-8 in a VC (it is set up as  a  
server so X isn't even installed) or via ssh from one of my other  
computers.  Strange....

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