System mail about lapack3 [Breezy Badger]

J.Markoll j.markoll at
Thu Jan 12 10:59:15 UTC 2006

Among the system messages I received this one, and wanted to report
it here. Did anyone have the same ? is there something that has/can be
done/can be checked, about it ?
Thanks, Joyce Markoll

/I know it's written Sept 28 but didn't yet study how to
configure in order to receive them in a local folder in mail client...
I have to think about invoking 'mail' in the console.

Message 2:
 From root at localhost.localdomain  Wed Sep 28 06:54:32 2005
X-Original-To: root
To: root at localhost.localdomain
Subject: Debconf: Configuration de lapack3 -- Minor lapack errors
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 06:54:32 +0200 (CEST)
From: root at localhost.localdomain (root)

One or more minor lapack library errors were discovered when this package
was built.  As of the time of this writing, the cause of these errors are
unknown. These errors are typically similar to those routinely reported by
other lapack users, and are often manifested by a loss of a few decimal
places of precision in certain routines under conditions near overflow or
underflow.  One should nevertheless review the discrepancies before using
lapack for serious numerical research.

Debconf, s'exM-CM-)cutant sur localhost.localdomain
[ Debconf n'a pas M-CM-)tM-CM-) configurM-CM-) pour afficher cette note, 
il vous l'a
donc envoyM-CM-)e par courrier M-CM-)lectronique. ]


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