Laptop batteries

Charles Yao ccyao at
Wed Jan 11 04:39:37 UTC 2006

> >
> > While it's true that excessive heat has a negative effect on battery
> > life, the specific location of the battery in any given laptop may not
> > expose it to much heat, depending on how the laptop is constructed.
> > For example, in my laptop the battery is in the coolest part of the
> > laptop, far from the "hot spots" -- it doesn't get much hotter in the
> > laptop than it would if it was removed and simply exposed to ambient
> > temperature.
> >
> > Older laptop batteries (NiMH) were subject to a pronounced "memory"
> > effect.  If these batteries received partial, shallow
> > discharge/recharge cycles over and over again, they would lose
> > capacity.  Newer laptop batteries (Li-ion) suffer much less from this
> > effect.
> >
> > Removing the battery while the laptop is on AC might extend the life
> > of the battery somewhat (how much?), but I can think of two good
> > reasons *not* to remove the battery while on AC:
> >
> > (1) Unless you run your laptop on a UPS, if you have a power
> > interruption your laptop will shut off immediately.  This is never a
> > good thing.  Even with journaling filesystems, you are likely to lose
> > some information.
> >
> > (2) Laziness.  Really, I'd rather not bother removing the battery (and
> > have to remember to replace it if I wanted to unplug the laptop and
> > carry is somewhere).
> >
> > Regards,
> > Larry
> >
Another thing is how long do you guys actually replace the laptop. If you
replace it on a cycle like most companies do, im sure the battery wont
matter. I have a supplier that changes laptops every 2 years, Im pretty sure
thier batteries will last more than that. So I dont think leaving the
batteries on while plugged in will matter.


"It is unwise to pay to much, but it is worse to pay too little; you
sometimes lose everything becuase the thing you bought was incapable of
doing the thing it was bought to do"
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