default root pwd for base system install?

Vram lamsokvr at
Tue Jan 10 08:05:15 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 22:42 +0100, J.Markoll wrote:
> Scott a écrit :
> > J.Markoll wrote:
> > 
> >>
> >> So, if you have many/several admin tasks to do, it's practicle to 
> >> avoid entering user passwd each 10 minutes. But that too can be 
> >> configured different ways. Generally, sudo is perfect, and more secure 
> >> than using a root account.
> >>
> > 
> > It did seem rather awkward to  me at first but after using it and 
> > getting used to it, I can't imagine being without it.  I find it quicker 
> > and simpler and less dangerous than su.
> > 
> > The last few times I've installed Ubuntu I've used the "expert" mode 
> > which (among several other things) allows you to set the root password 
> > *and* create a user account (like most Linux vets are used to). However, 
> > 19 out of 20 times that I've needed root access since then, I've used sudo.
> So sudo is now known again, thanks to Ubuntu, but it existed very long ago,
> and was prefered by the computer people, for it's safeness.
> Greetings, Joyce Markoll.

No.. Not for safeness  but, to allow junior admins to do root level work
in an enterprise system...

It is really hard to appreciate how to do root things when you are at

Try to imagine a thousand users...
And HUGE applications

You can't do it all yourself..

Need junior admins..
Can't trust them with root.

So you assign tasks to them with sudo..



Please no flames from the NEW users who know ALL the answers.


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