What apps come with Ubuntu?

Olafur Arason olafra at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 06:20:37 UTC 2006

Add applications is a very good to see what programs do an install
them. System -> Help is also usefull there is a list of applications
and also the Ubuntu Starter Guide and under Desktop there is
an very good User Guide. There is also http://www.gnomefiles.org
where you can see almost all the gnome programs and then when
you find a program that you like to use you can use
System -> Administration -> Synapitc Package Manager to
install them.

Hope this helps

Olafur Arason
2006/1/10, Dragon192 <dragon192 at shadowsailor.com>:
> Howdy...
> I recently acquired Ubuntu and have been reading the forums....I am a
> wee bit confused....there is talk of Nautilus, RhythmBox, Sound
> Juicer, Totem, Beep...
> Is there a listing of all the applications/programs that come with
> the Ubuntu installation package? And a description of what they do?
> TIA,
> Ken
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