Internet connection

Asif Lodhi asif.lodhi at
Tue Jan 10 03:33:55 UTC 2006

Hi enric,

ubuntu-users-request at wrote:

>Message: 2
>Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 19:40:40 +0000
>From: vilaweb casamance <amaisembe at>
>Subject: Internet connection
>I'm in Senegal, and trying to configurate a Intracom Netmod Usb with
>Ubuntu 5.10. I'm Trying with Kppp Dialer and GnomePPP.
>But I have problems when I want to connect.
I opted for a plain vanilla external serial modem (USR) when I went out 
to purchase one because I had earlier read in an online Linux HOW-TO of 
Linux   USB support being not very mature.  I would suggest that you do 
the same - that's _my_ humble opinion and _my_ limited knowledge.

Secondly, I have seen "problem-connecting-to-the-Internet-via-PPP" type 
posts so many times on this list (including one of mine!) that I think 
the next version of Ubuntu should be able to let end-users create a 
dial-up Internet connection and connect to the Internet easily - using a 
restricted normal user account using sudo or whatever (not root!).


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