Locking the Desktop

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Mon Jan 9 05:52:38 UTC 2006

> David A. Cobb a écrit :
>> Running UBUNTU Hoary, GNOME 2.10.0
>> Please advise me which screen-locking application to use to make "New 
>> Login" available.  It was working, but a recent update has left it so 
>> that only the user who locked the desktop can unlock it; a different 
>> user cannot start a new session.
> Hello,
> May I ask you to be more accurate in your question ? do you mean another 
> user locked the session, you have to unlock it ? Call the administrator. 
> If it is you, I think become root and change password for that user 
> could do it.
> I don't understand what the update did in locking... either we lock the
> screen or we end a session, so which one ?  :)
>> If it matters (as it may), I also find I cannot switch out to one of the 
>> virtual consoles.
> Don't know. It may depend on some machine components (something to add
> to the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst).
> Or it may need a BIOS update (but don't do it by yourself the first time 
> if you are a beginner).
> Best greetings, Joyce Markoll.
BTW, could someone say how to prevent receiving such messages ?:


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Coming as the author of the former message pour the  <gnome-list>GNOME 
Users Discussion at gnome.org> in CC ?

That's for something not agreable  :(

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