[Breezy] gdm persistant error (solved)

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Sun Jan 8 19:45:06 UTC 2006

> Peter Garrett a écrit :
>> For what it's worth, the permissions on my ~/.dmrc are
>> $ ls -al .dmrc
>> -rw-------  1 peter peter 45 2005-10-29 22:08 .dmrc
>> and another user
>> -rw-------  1 alterego alterego 26 2005-02-15 07:28 .dmrc
>> Peter
> So are they in my muchines, on the laptop, no error, on the desktop,
> error message. I'm in doubt that this message comes really from
> the .dmrc file, but might be from gdm configs or who knows ?
> Thanks, Joyce Markoll.
As I just found the solution, I'm coming to give the final solution.
I realized I hadn't yet STFW! and the answer came out from this link:

that says the /home/user permssions must additionnaly be 700.
But not recursively. So did I:
#chmod 700 /home/myself

and I rebooted. Surprise! the error message is not present at boot 
anymore! I'm jumping to the ceiling, happy and all!  :))

Peter, The permissions on the .dmrc file here are 644. On the laptop 
they are
-rw------- (600) I think, such as yours.
Best greetings, Joyce Markoll.

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