SSH question

MrKnisely mrknisely at
Sat Jan 7 18:38:34 UTC 2006

David Mummery wrote:

>I'm trying to setup password-less SSH login using public/private keypair but am failing. All the documentation tells me to do the same thing but it does not work:
>On my remote machine, as root, I run:
>ssh-keygen -t rsa
>- Enter and confirm passphrase
>cp /root/.ssh/ /root/.ssh/authorised_keys
>chmod 644 /root/.ssh/authorised_keys
>I then copy authorised_keys to the machine I want to connect from, as root, and put it into /root/.ssh/authorised_keys
>I then chmod 644 this file.
>Despite this, when I run 'ssh root at remote_host', as root, I am still asked for remote host's root password. I cannot see what I am doing wrong(!)
>Thanks in advance.
>David Mummery
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Just generate your key without a passphrase and it'll shoot right on 
through.  Just know, that if someone gets your key, they can run 
commands on your system witout a password/phrase too.

Mike K.

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