Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

Alessandro a24 at umbc.edu
Sat Jan 7 13:12:46 UTC 2006

Why are you explaining this to us?  

What a lot of people who use Linux are forgetting is that Linux didn't
grow as an OS because it was the "cool" thing to do, but because of
choice.  Linux philosophy has decreased substantially in recent years
because lots of people now use it just because it's the "IN" thing to
do.  Windows does LOTS of things a whole lot nicer and more efficient
than Linux does, so don't be fooled into being one of those morons that
"regrets" having Windows on their box, be lucky that you have enough
money to afford such a luxury as Windows, and such a freedom to afford
such a nicety as Linux.

~Alessandro Ferrucci

On Sat, 2006-01-07 at 01:22 -0500, 'Forum Post wrote:
> i tried just ubuntu...but i needed xp (sadly)...I needed windows games
> and couldn't get wine to work for them.  now i'm dual boot.  I can't
> get DVD playback as nice as winDVD either
> -- 
> fast orange

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