mounting NFS shares

Tim Frost timfrost at
Fri Jan 6 21:14:23 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 21:44 +0100, Colin Brace wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions. I wasn't previously aware of the showmount
> command; it is quite useful. Initially, I could only see the shares,
> not mount them, as I kept getting a refusal from the server, but this
> appeared to be due to the fact that the IP number of my laptop keeps
> changing, so I modified the /etc/exports entry on the server to look
> like this: 
> /home/colin
> Now, using the command 
> sudo mount -w ariel:/home/colin /mnt/ariel 
> I can mount the share, however only read-only.
> The permissions in /mnt appear like this:
> drwxr-xr-x  94  500  500 12288 2006-01-06 19:19 ariel

The fact that the user and group are presented as numbers indicates that
your user account has different numeric id on the server and client.

NFS uses the UID, not the username.

In Ubuntu, the first user gets a UID of 1000. The account on the server
has UID=500.

> The username is the same on both machines. What could be going wrong? 
> Thanks...
1: Change the server UID to match the Ubuntu UID.  
2: Change the ownership of all the user files on the server to match the
new UID


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