Upgrading from Hoary Hedgehog to Boary Badger

Charles Yao ccyao at greenleecp.com
Fri Jan 6 05:14:50 UTC 2006

Joe Mango wrote:> Hi community, I have currently Hoary Hedgehog installed on
my PC and want to >upgrade it to Boary Badger, is this advisable, how can I
do this, basically I

> >want the new distro installed but I dont want to lose the other programs
> and
> >settings that i currently have like latex and other apps. thanks joemango
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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Hi Joe,

I tried the dist-upgrade thing and it didnt work out too well, with my
wireless network. We had problems with  printing and scanning. It might be
best for you to backup your data and do a cleam install on your pc.



"It is unwise to pay to much, but it is worse to pay too little; you
sometimes lose everything becuase the thing you bought was incapable of
doing the thing it was bought to do"
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