Equivalent of Red Hat's kickstart or SUSE's AutoYAST?

Carlos A. Carnero Delgado carloscarnero at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 05:24:05 UTC 2006


On 1/5/06, Senectus . <senectus at gmail.com> wrote:
> One of the Uni's over here in Perth Western Australia made "Ubuntu on
> Tap" :-)
> http://www.ucc.asn.au/services/ubuntu.ucc
> I'm sure they're using scripts/methods similar to what you want.

Nice. I'm there reading up.

> BTW why would disk cloning not work on intel based machines? I've
> used it on mine without issue..

Read again ("...in this _particular_ setup...") ;)

Best regards,
<nick> grah windows just crashed again, unstable crap.
<yukito> Windows isn't unstable, it's just spontaneous.

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