OO Writer 1.9.129 hangs up when saving .odt

Robert Jaroszuk zim at iq.pl
Mon Jan 2 13:27:32 UTC 2006


I'm using OO 1.9.129 680 (1.9.129-0.1ubuntu4).
The system is Ubuntu Linux 5.10 with kernel 2.6.12-10-386 on Dell
Latitude C610 laptop with 256 MB RAM and Intel Pentium III 1 GHz cpu.

When I open a .sxw document, modify it and try to save as .odt,
OpenOffice Writer hangs up. It creates empty (0-bytes long) .odt file,
and does nothing more. When I attach do openoffice process by strace
(unix diagnostic tool), I see that this process is waiting on futex()
system call.

From futex man page:

"The futex() system call provides a method for a program to wait for a
value at a given address to change, and a method to wake up anyone
waiting on a particular address (while the addresses for the same mem-
ory in separate processes may not be equal, the kernel maps them
internally so the same memory mapped in different locations will
for futex() calls). It is typically used to implement the contended
case of a lock in shared memory, as described in futex(4)."

Anyone has this problem before ? Anyone knows what can be done for
this to work correctly?

Anyone knows when new OO2 package will be available in ubuntu 5.10 ?

... Robert Jaroszuk ...
GCS/IT/O d? s: a-- C++ ULB++++$ P+ L++++$ E--- W- K- N+ DI+ V-
w M- PS+ PE Y(+) PGP-(+++) t-- 5? X- R tv-- b++>++++ D- y+ G++
.. http://zim.iq.pl/ . RJ735-RIPE . http://zim.iq.pl/photo/ ..
... The superior warrior wins without fighting -- Sun Tzu. ...

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