Ubuntu Screen Res Issues

jean gruneberg kaosboss at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 08:34:10 UTC 2006

vilaweb casamance wrote:
> *root at jbascdj:~ # 915resolution -l
> Intel 800/900 Series VBIOS Hack : version 0.4.6
> Chipset: 915GM
> Mode Table Offset: $C0000 + $269
> Mode Table Entries: 36
> Mode 30 : 640x480, 8 bits/pixel
> Mode 32 : 800x600, 8 bits/pixel
> Mode 34 : 1024x768, 8 bits/pixel
> Mode 38 : 1280x1024, 8 bits/pixel
> Mode 3a : 1600x1200, 8 bits/pixel
> Mode 3c : 1920x1440, 8 bits/pixel
> Mode 41 : 640x480, 16 bits/pixel
> Mode 43 : 800x600, 16 bits/pixel
> Mode 45 : 1024x768, 16 bits/pixel
> Mode 49 : 1280x1024, 16 bits/pixel
> Mode 4b : 1600x1200, 16 bits/pixel
> Mode 4d : 1920x1440, 16 bits/pixel
> Mode 50 : 640x480, 32 bits/pixel
> Mode 52 : 800x600, 32 bits/pixel
> Mode 54 : 1024x768, 32 bits/pixel
> Mode 58 : 1280x1024, 32 bits/pixel
> Mode 5a : 1600x1200, 32 bits/pixel
> Mode 5c : 1920x1440, 32 bits/pixel
> *
> thanks
> kernic


My output is.....

root at kaos-010:/home/jeang# 915resolution -l

Intel 800/900 Series VBIOS Hack : version 0.4.2

Chipset: 855GM

Mode 30 : 640x480, 8 bits/pixel
Mode 32 : 800x600, 8 bits/pixel
Mode 34 : 1024x768, 8 bits/pixel
Mode 38 : 1280x1024, 8 bits/pixel
Mode 3a : 1600x1200, 8 bits/pixel
Mode 3c : 1920x1440, 8 bits/pixel
Mode 41 : 640x480, 16 bits/pixel
Mode 43 : 800x600, 16 bits/pixel
Mode 45 : 1024x768, 16 bits/pixel
Mode 49 : 1280x1024, 16 bits/pixel
Mode 4b : 1600x1200, 16 bits/pixel
Mode 4d : 1920x1440, 16 bits/pixel
Mode 50 : 640x480, 32 bits/pixel
Mode 52 : 800x600, 32 bits/pixel
Mode 54 : 1024x768, 32 bits/pixel
Mode 58 : 1280x1024, 32 bits/pixel
Mode 5a : 1600x1200, 32 bits/pixel
Mode 5c : 1920x1440, 32 bits/pixel
Mode 7c : 1280x800, 8 bits/pixel
Mode 7d : 1280x800, 16 bits/pixel
Mode 7e : 1280x800, 32 bits/pixel
root at kaos-010:/home/jeang#

I see we have different chiipsets, my laptop is a widescreen fujitsu 
siemens, perhaps your laptop dosn't need that resolution.  I think you 
were trying to get the Mode 58 1280 1024 for the external monitor?

The only think that worries me is that is if you you set the res too 
high in the bootsequence, will you have a usable screen?  Maybe it will 
do that scene where you have slider bars to get all the screen real 
estate.  At least however you should be able to do the change resolution 
thing to set the external higher.  Don't know, holding thumbs for you! 
Write down the screenline for the resolution that works on your laptop 
so if all else goes south, you can boot into the console and edit 
bootmisc.sh so that you can get the laptop display back if it all goes 


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