Trying to open Fat32 partition in NVU success

Senectus . senectus at
Thu Feb 23 03:42:38 UTC 2006

On 2/23/06, William Wereley <ravenridge at> wrote:
> Thanks for the help,
> I found the partition listed under media. Strange place to me, but I'm
> learning. An old dog but not unteachable. I have tried a few ways to
> change the permissions so I can edit those files, NVU can edit but not
> save. So sudo into nautilus and that doesn't work. Went into Win2000 and
> set them as shares, no help. Hmmm seems I need to do some terminal
> work.Anyone have any suggestions I've poured through  google and the
> wiki, tried to sudo chmod 775 and nothing 777 nothing. I definately
> missing something and will feel like a jerk when I discover how easy
> it probably is. Anybody, please set on the right path.
> Thanks
> Bill Wereley

Type just "mount" into the terminal it should tell you how each
partition is mounted.. if your vfat partition is mounted RO then it's
read only.. umount it and re mount it with RW :-)

Ubuntu Breezy 5.10
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