Kubuntu System Hangs!

Matt Patterson matt at v8zman.com
Wed Feb 22 11:02:42 UTC 2006

I have a athlon smp system and have been fighting the hard freeze for 
over a year now. Two things that I have found to cause huge problems are 
enabling opengl in Xorg, and enabling any form of agp support on my 
video card.  I have no problems if I boot without smp, but obviously 
that sucks. My current attempt uses:

noapic nolapic acpi=off pci=noacpi

And I have enabled agpart use for my nvidia card (instead of none or 
using the nvidia kernel module). I still have opengl disabled. This 
appears ok, but I have only had it up for 4 days now, normally I make it 
at least a couple of weeks. We'll see. I'll keep you updated.

This problem SUCKS!


Kenneth Jacker wrote:

>Update on my Kubuntu "hanging problem".
>The machine has run continuously since I rebooted into the non-SMP
>kernel.  It has now been up for over 5 days ... before it never ran
>for more than 4, usually less than 2.
>We'll see if this "good fortune" continues ... if so, maybe the 
>2.6.12-10-686-smp kernel is the problem ...  
>I sure miss that second CPU!
>Thanks for everyone's help on the elusive problem,
>  -Kenneth

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