Convert from AMD64 to i386

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at
Wed Feb 22 10:02:55 UTC 2006

Billy Verreynne (JW) wrote:
> Sasha Tsykin wrote:
>> it will run well, but at just a bit more than half the speed.
> Calling an o/s that runs (crawls?) at half-speed as running well.. we
> have different definitions as to what running well means. Putting a VW
> Beetle engine into a Ferrari... [shakes head in disbelief]
Not at all. 64-bit is much faster, but in standard use (internet, email, 
word processing, etc.) the extra speed is totally unnecessary and goes 
unnoticed. It's slightly less responsive, but that's it (in my 
experience) and even this is very anecdotal. I do not have timings to 
back this up. Even the weakest computers being sold today are more than 
powerful enough to cope with almost everything you might throw at them. 
The extra speed will only come into play with very CPU intensive programs.
>> No it's not, for many users, flash and codecs are fundamental.
> Fundamental? vi is fundamental. ssh is fundamental. IPtables is
> fundamental. Calling Flash that...? Flash is overrated. The name says
> it all. Flash and bling before content.
Not at all. It can be very useful. Especially if you visit a lot of 
websites which use flash. However, I am not going to argue about it with 
you, as it is clearly a matter of opinion. In daily use, many people 
(probably most) would rate Flash much higher than the rest, because they 
have simply never heard of it.
> Mplayer (using XMMS as front-end) works just fine for me in the codec
> department.
>> hard in Ubuntu because all debian derived distros use a non-standard
>> library layout for 32- and 64- libraries. Most distribution place
> 32-bit
>> libraries in /usr/lib and 64-bit libraries in /usr/lib64. In ubuntu
>> /usr/lib32 and /usr/lib64 are used with symlinks to /usr/lib (I
> think,
>> somebody please correct me if I'm wrong).
> Oh no.. not so nice. Still, using LD_LIBRAY_PATH should assist the
> dynamic load linker to make sense of it.
yeah, and I do use that, but it is far beyond the level of complexity 
the vast majority of users would like to encounter when they use their 
computer. They certainly do not want to have to set environment 
variables manually. They want everything to "just work."
> --
> Billy
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I would suggest that unless more technical help will be offered, we let 
this thread die, because it has clearly moved beyond the scope of this 
mailing list. If you would like to continue it, I would be happy to, in 
private, or on the Sounder list.

Best of wishes,


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