Just installed Ubuntu, what now ?

Adam Lafayette atomlbomb at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 21 02:36:31 UTC 2006

I have no experience with ISDN but I found this page


on setting up ISDN in ubuntu.  If you can get internet
working on your ubuntu box installing software is so
easy when you have a network connection.

You can also try connecting through a windows machine
if that machine is setup with internet sharing if
you've got the hardware to network the computers
together as was suggested in an earlier reply by
someone.  I might be able to give you some help with
this.  I did that type of things a few years ago but I
was running redhat instead of ubuntu.  If you want the
help with the windows box let me know and I'll see
what I can do.

--- "Boyan R." <boyanpn at yahoo.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 13:08:04 -0400, Derek Broughton
> wrote:
> >> First of all, my sweex ISDN modem (Winbound w6692
> chipset) doesn't work,
> >> and I'm affraid I can't do anything about that,
> > 
> > There may be.  I think ndiswrapper might work.
> Wth is that ? I didn't even succed to find option of
> creating conection to
> my ISP. How can I start wvdial (I assume it can help
> me) ?
> >> - I downloaded Konqueror - file:  
> krusader_1.70.0-0breezy0_i386.deb
> >>   How do I install it ? Archive manager can't
> unpack this file.
> > 
> > sudo dpkg -i krusader*
> > 
> > would do it, but (a) krusader isn't konqueror and
> (b) normally, when you
> > finish installing Ubuntu it should already be set
> up with the
> > appropriate /etc/apt/sources.list to be able to
> install packages via
> > Synaptic or aptitude.  If you actually installed
> Ubuntu, not Kubuntu, then
> > the above dpkg command is not going to be
> successful, because there'll be a
> > huge number of required dependencies which you
> don't yet have.
> > 
> > sudo aptitude install krusader
> > 
> > would do the job, and get any necessary
> dependencies.
> I meant Krusader, not Konqueror (but I can't manage
> to install it neither)
> I went to console (ctrl+alt+f1) and found directory
> where I placed file:
> krusader_1.70.0-0breezy0_i386.deb
> Then I typed "sudo aptitude install krusader"  -
> some activity happened,
> looked like all is ok, but I can't notice any
> changes
> Then I typed: "sudo aptitude install
> krusader_1.70.0-0breezy0_i386.deb"
> and same activity again.
> Did I maybe installed Krusader ? Where is it placed,
> I want to make
> shortcut to desktop or something like that 
> And talking about Synaptic, I've found it, but I
> can't figure out how to
> install anything with it and how to use Repository
> menu neither.
> Notice that I can NOT access internet from Ubuntu
> (gnome)
> I downloaded files from Windows XP and transfered
> them to Ubuntu
> -- 
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com

Adam Lafayette  N1ZGG   atomlbomb at yahoo.com    http://www.bloodkeg.com       http://www.geocities.com/atomlbomb

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