Can't mount my SATA drive

Ed Fletcher ed at
Mon Feb 20 19:17:10 UTC 2006

Duncan Lithgow wrote:
> I've got it to automount but still can't write to it as a user, what am
> I doing wrong?
> Here's the lines:
> # SATA drive(s) (sda)
> /dev/sda1	/media/storage	ext3	defaults,user,rw 0	0
> Duncan
Check the permissions and ownership of the directory it is mounted in
and of the directories within it (if any).  Is it a new drive or does it
have data already on it?  If it's not new, you should ensure that the
subdirs are owned by USER:USER (or duncan:duncan).  You can use 'sudo
chown USER:USER directory' for this.

If you don't want anyone to have access to this drive, you could instead
mount it somewhere in your home directory.

Ed Fletcher
ed at

You live and learn.  At any rate, you live.
- Douglas Adams

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