Album Shaper site kills Firefox; Author unreachable

Albert albertwagner at
Mon Feb 20 14:18:31 UTC 2006

Thomas Beckett wrote:
> On 1/31/06, Albert <albertwagner at> wrote:
>>The Album Shaper site kills firefox and the author is unreachable.
>>There is no email address and his "contact me" form doesn't work,
>>instead yielding:
>>Method Not Allowed
>>The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL
>>If anyone here knows how to contact this author, please notify him that
>>his site sucks and that he will never know it because he has made
>>himself impossible to reach.
>>His product, which relies heavily on HTML, is available through Synaptic
>>but I am unwilling to install it until I see a site that instills some
>>confidence in the author's expertise in HTML.
> You mean this album shaper site:
> (check attachment)
> It works fine here on firefox (Breezy with firefox 1.0.7) - He also
> has a firefox banner advocating its use.

You should read all of the posts before replying.  I too am on Breezy 
with Firefox 1.0.7.  He admitted that his site had a chronic problem and 
  that he would fix it again.  Aren't you lucky that he did.

> Which version of firefox are you using and on what platform / distro / version.
> How does it 'Kill firefox'? what symptoms?

As I said, you should read all of the posts before replying.  "Kill" 
means "crash".
> You might want to enquire if others are having problems before slating
> someones work. In this case it looks like a problem your end...

You should really read *all* posts before replying.  Plain vanilla 
Breezy compilation of Firefox 1.0.7 with the standard totem plugin. If 
the problem is on my end, then the problem is Ubuntu's.  Did you take 
the tour?  With totem?

> If you post a screen or discryption of your error then we would be
> glad to help you fix it if we can.

Nothing to post.  Firefox *crashes* and *disappears* because the 
embedded totem cannot read/process the QT movies on the site.  In 
private emails the owner/author admits that there may be a problem with 
the codex he used.

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