ANNOUNCING : Ebuntu , Enlightenment 0.17 + Ubuntu

Steve Tripp progressivepenguin at
Fri Feb 17 13:53:29 UTC 2006

Ok, understood.

How about ubuntu-e, ubuntu-e17, eubuntu, ubuntue, or enbuntu.  I'm
sure the enlightenment portion doesn't have to be english either. 
There's verlichting, éclaircissement, Aufklärung, Διαφωτισμός,
chiarimento, прозрение.  (From Babelfish, so I don't guarantee the

There are many ways to make the name stand out, be meaningful, and not
step on anyone's toes.

On 2/17/06, Oliver Grawert <ogra at> wrote:

> there were already the first support requests in the #edubuntu IRC
> channel for e17 from people which apparently didnt notice the
> difference ... and you will very likely have complaints from people that
> accidentially installed a edubuntu schoolserver when they expected
> enlightenment... dont take me wrong, i really appreciate the effort
> here, i just dont like the nearly identical names and the chaos it
> produces among (ecpecially non english speaking) users.

Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)

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