Shouldn't a file I create default to being owned by me?

Dave M G martin at
Fri Feb 17 11:01:50 UTC 2006

Ubuntu Users,

    I have Appache, PHP, and MySQL all set up and running smoothly. I 
also have three different web sites that I keep in my localhost 
directory and view from within FireFox, without any problems.

    So, I was suprised when I created a little PHP script to test 
something, and when I viewed it through FireFox, it said there was a 
"permissions error".

    At first I thought this must be a PHP problem, because I create and 
view files within my localhost directory all the time. But the people on 
the PHP mailing list were sure it was just a file permissions problem.

    Sure enough, I looked at the file properties from a command prompt, 
and the default was not to be read or written to:
-rw-------  1 dave dave 20 2006-02-13 22:45 /home/dave/web_sites/phpinfo.php

    So I changed the properties with chmod 777 and the file opens fine.

    Now I'm confused by this. Why would this file, which I created and 
saved using gedit, automatically have its permissions set up so I can't 
view or edit it? Why does no other file that I have made or edited 
behaved like this? Is this a one time problem, or is there a fundamental 
problem I'm missing?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

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