Adding an Ubuntu Partition to My Harddrive

Alex Mandel tech_dev at
Fri Feb 17 00:09:52 UTC 2006

ron wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an 80G Harddrive with Fedora Core3 installed. It looks like I
> have a boot partition and a Logical Volume Group Partition consisting
> of / and swap space that takes up the rest of the disc space. I guess
> the easiest way would be to cut the disc in half and create another
> LogVol for Ubuntu / and share the existing swap space. Can anyone help
> with my first dual boot install? I want to learn as much as I can to
> prevent any problems before I even thing about startiing. Especially
> how do I figure out the sizes in bytes when asked by the graphical
> installer and the Lableing of the Volume Groups and Logical Volumes.
> Device               Start       End          Size (MB)    Type
> /dev/sda
>      sda1              1            13           102             ext3
>      sda2              14          10011      78427         LVM Physical Volume
> LVM Volume Groups
> VolGroup00                                     78427
> LogVol00           /     ext3
> LogVol01                 swap                1984
> /dev/sda                                                           
> start        end
>     /dev/sda1      /boot               ext3       102        1            13
>    /dev/sda2      VolGroup00      LVMP     78427    14          1001
> Thank You,
> -ron-
Too make your life easier use the GUI partitioners, Qparted or GParted.
Now keep in mind that you can not resize Ext3, you need to convert it to 
Ext2 by command line then resize and convert back to Ext3 command 
line(I'll see if I can find the instructions, but you can google for it 
Now about estimating the numbers, I think the GUIs will do MB otherwise 
all you need to remember is that its in binary 2^Power.
I typically ballpark it with 1024KB=1MB, 1024MB = 1GB


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