How do I find out what to do when my username and passwd for Ubuntu graphic interface signon won't work...after several attempts??????(just completed installation)

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Thu Feb 16 04:25:36 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 19:05 -0800, Daniel Robitaille wrote:
> On 2/15/06, Rhonda Bullard <rlb9212003 at> wrote:
> >
> > p-lease help....I am a newbie.
> The wiki has a page about lost passwords:

By the looks of it (since he just installed it), he probably type the
password correctly. This happened to me with Warty or Hoary, as well as
Breezy and Dapper (but only during the development, not in the final
release). The problem was that the installer configured X with an
English (Hence QWERTY) keyboard layout, despite me asking for a French
(Hence AZERTY) keyboard. Unluckily, my password happens to have an "a"
in it. So, I would type my password correctly, but it would be
rejected ! Then I had the idea of twisting my mind to type on my French
keyboard as if it had a QWERTY layout (takes some getting used to ! ;-),
and it worked !

So he could try that ?

If it works, then he can edit xorg.conf to double check that the correct
keyboard layout was selected (or not !).



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