Is Ubuntu giving up on the PPC platform?

Brian Durant RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com
Tue Feb 14 09:22:22 UTC 2006

On 14. feb 2006, at 0.26, Peter Garrett wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 23:48:01 +0100
> Brian Durant <RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com> wrote:
>> I haven't seen that bug report. How do I add the modules in /etc/
>> modules? Do I just follow some of the other entries or is there
>> anything special I need to do for adding these modules? Also, is
>> there anything I should be prepared for if these modules don't load?
>> I am a newbie, so I would prefer to avoid surprises like my kernel
>> disappearing or something 8-)
> Just add each module name to the file on separate lines at the  
> bottom of
> the file. Then, on next boot,  the modules should reload (assuming  
> that
> your "sudo modprobe <module name> " commands didn't complain !)
> gksudo /etc/modules     or
> sudo nano /etc/modules
> or whatever - depending on which editor you prefer to use. You need  
> "admin
> powers" to do modprobe and to edit that file of course... hence sudo/
> gksudo (the latter is preferable for GUI apps like gedit .)
> Ad no, your machine won't blow up or anything ;-)
> Peter

The ouput of:

"sudo modprobe i2c-keywest"


"sudo modprobe therm_pm72"


FATAL: Module i2c_keywest not found.


FATAL: Module therm_pm72 not found.

I received notification that my bug is the same as this one:

Not sure that it is however, as my G5 tower is a PowerMac 9.1. I also  
don't see a solution, or maybe just don't understand it. Anyone want  
to jump in here?



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