Which wireless card is best???

MrKnisely mrknisely at mrknisely.is-a-geek.org
Tue Feb 14 03:44:58 UTC 2006

Matt Patterson wrote:

> I am looking to pick up a laptop which will preferably run just 
> ubuntu. I absolutely must have wireless with WEP functional. The 
> laptop I am leaning towards due to the price and previous experience 
> is the Dell 630m. That has 3 different wireless card options and I was 
> wondering if anyone has experience with them. I would prefer out of 
> the box reliable wireless with WEP.
> Intel Pro 2200bg
> Intel Pro 2915abg
> Dell 1370
> What have been your experiences? Any suggestions for comparable 
> price/performance/weight laptops?
> Thanks,
> Matt

WEP's not going to be an issue for just about any card now days.  WPA, 
is the one I and many others are fighting with now.

Mike K.

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