installing joe..

Sasha Tsykin psychosushi at
Fri Feb 10 22:56:34 UTC 2006

Henry Ortega wrote:
> I am totally new to Ubuntu. I have been a Mandrake user
> for so long. I am trying to install joe (text editor) in my box
> and I have the ff question:
> I tried
> apt-get install joe
> and it tells me Couldn't find package joe
> I tried synaptic also and could not find anything.
Joe exists in the repositories, so you had best add the universe and 
multiverse repositories in your /etc/apt/sources.list.
> So should I install from source?
> I can do that, but I wanted to know if there's a *package* way of 
> installing
> this that would make it easier to update in case.
> I see different packages available
> <>
> Would any of those packages work for Ubuntu?
> Sorry for the very basic question. :)

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