Evolution funny

Kipton Moravec kip at kdream.com
Sat Feb 4 19:20:58 UTC 2006

That is so weird. It did the same to me last night.  I have been using
it for over a year and did not ever see this before.

I deleted my junk, emptied the trash, and closed evolution. When I
started it up again, the problem was gone.


On Sat, 2006-02-04 at 19:03 +0000, robert wrote:
> Hiya,
> I've just had an odd thing happen. Athough Evolution shows that there is 
> mail in the inbox (On the left hand side), it is not showning anything 
> in the main window. I've tried clearing the filters etc, but nothing 
> happens. I'm using an IMAP server and the mail is there and shows up in 
> thunderbird ok.
> Any thoughts?
> Rob
Kipton Moravec <kip at kdream.com>

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