mattsen at
Fri Feb 3 18:28:05 UTC 2006
On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 11:55:45 -0600, Lee Revell <rlrevell at>
> On Fri, 2006-02-03 at 11:28 -0600, Chuck MATTSEN wrote:
>> When all is said and done, I am always left wondering just how much more
>> could be accomplished by all if everyone could simply agree to _let go_
>> of the endless top-posting vs. bottom-posting, M$ vs. Linux, .rpm vs.
>> .deb/distro vs. distro -- ad nauseum -- debates....
> People will never "let go" of it because the brain does not adjust to
> top posting no matter how much one is exposed to it.
Nonsense. About half of my lists are composed of non-techie types, the
majority of whom top post. When in Rome, I top post, otherwise they don't
see my respsonses, since they're not looking for them at the bottom.
Otherwise, I generally bottom post or intersperse where appropriate. But
the conversations on the top posted list are just as easy for me to follow
as the others.
> It's *impossible* to follow a long top-posted conversation no matter how
> many I see.
My sympathies. ;-)
> It would be like learning to read top to bottom then suddenly everyone
> switches to writing the first line at the bottom of page. Do you
> honestly EVER think you could get used to it?
I wonder if those who are multilingual and whose reading materials are
sometimes left->right and sometimes right->left (or sometimes horizontal
and sometimes vertical ... they exist, do they not?) spend their entire
lives thinking one method or the other is wrong or stupid (or whatever)?
But, as I said, I find the discussion more annoying than the practice, so
I'm hereby leaving it, because the rigidity of everyone's viewpoints has
been so beautifully illustrated already.
Chuck Mattsen (Mahnomen, MN)
mattsen at
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